Latvia adheres to the instrument flight rules of the European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU, SERA) No 923/2012.


Requirements for IFR flights related to VHF 8.33 kHz channel spacing radio equipage are stated in GEN 1.5.


2.1 Definitions of terms

Free Route Airspace (FRA):

  • A specified airspace within which users may freely plan a route between a defined entry point and a defined exit point, with the possibility to route via intermediate (published or unpublished) waypoints, without reference to the ATS route network, subject to airspace availability. Within this airspace, flights remain subject to air traffic control.

FRA Arrival Connecting Point (A):

  • A published NAVAID/Significant Point to which FRA operations are allowed for arriving traffic.

FRA Departure Connecting Point (D):

  • A published NAVAID/Significant Point from which FRA operations are allowed for departing traffic.

FRA Entry Point (E):

  • A published NAVAID/Significant Point from which FRA operations are allowed.

FRA Exit Point (X):

  • published NAVAID/Significant Point to which FRA operations are allowed.

FRA Intermediate Point (I):

  • A published NAVAID/Significant Point or unpublished point, defined by geographical coordinates or by a bearing and distance via which FRA operations are allowed for all traffic.

FRA Connecting Route:

  • One or more segment(s) connecting a SID end point (or other departure procedure) with a FRA Departure Connecting Point, or FRA Arrival Connecting point with a STAR start point (or other arrival procedure).

2.2 Eligible flights

Eligible flights are all flights that are intending to operate within the vertical and horizontal limits of NEFAB FRA and/or in DK/SE FRA, as specified in ENR 2.2 in the national AIPs. This includes arriving, departing and transiting traffic.

2.3 Flight planning

Eligible flights should flight plan according to the table below.




FRA Entry Point

FRA Exit Point

Flight plan DCT or via one or several additional points.

Additional points can either be a NAVAID (as published in ENR 4.1 or a Significant Point (as published in ENR 4.4 ) in the national AIPs of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Sweden, Norway or Denmark.

Additional points can also be entered as coordinates.

FRA Arrival Connecting Point

FRA Departure Connecting Point

FRA Exit Point

FRA Arrival Connecting Point

DEPARTING TRAFFIC from Latvian aerodromes:

Access to FRA for departing traffic is via a FRA Departure Connecting Point (SID Final Waypoint).

ARRIVING TRAFFIC to Latvian aerodromes:

Exiting FRA for arriving traffic is via a FRA Arrival Connecting Point (STAR Initial Waypoint).

Flight plans should only be filed within 3 NM of the common outer lateral FRA boundary when entering or exiting the FRA area.