1.1 General

1.1.1 The overall authority for the provision of ATFM within the Riga FIR is delegated to EUROCONTROL/ Network Manager Operations Centre (NMOC).

1.2 Responsibilities of EUROCONTROL Network Operations

1.2.1 The NMOC is responsible for:

• After coordination with Riga Flow Management Position (FMP), for applying ATFCM measures within the Riga FIR when it is expected that air traffic demand will exceed the available ATC or airport capacity;

• Ensuring that ATFM measures are applied in an equitable manner such that penalties to aircraft operators are reduced as far as possible.

1.2.2 The NMOC applies ATFCM procedures, which are published in the corresponding ICAO and Network Manager documentation. These procedures have the same status in the Riga FIR as procedures explicitly published in this AIP.

1.3 Responsibilities of the air traffic services

1.3.1 Flow Management Position (FMP) has been established in Riga Area Control Centre (ACC) to liaise between ATC, aircraft operators and the Network Manager Operations Centre.

1.3.2 Location of Unit

Post: Riga FMP

SJSC “Latvijas Gaisa Satiksme”

Muzeju iela 3, Lidosta “Rīga”

Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes novads, LV-1053


Tel: +371 67300697

Fax: +371 67300652

Email: riga.fmp@lgs.lv


1.3.3 The hours of operation are: H24.

1.3.4 ATS at aerodromes will ensure that flights adhere to departure slots issued by the ATFCM Service. In accordance with the provisions of ICAO Doc 7030 Regional Supplementary Procedures (Europe) flights which do not adhere to their slot will be denied ATC clearance.

1.3.5 With the introduction of the Enhanced Tactical Flight Management System (ETFMS) and Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM), flights that are not notified as being airborne within 15 minutes of the notified ETOT or CTOT will receive a Flight Suspension (FLS) message.

1.4 Responsibilities of the aircraft operators

1.4.1 Aircraft Operators who wish to ensure that they are correctly defined within the Network Manager database and/or want to provide the address where they should receive slot related messages; AIM (ATFCM Information Message) and ANM (ATFCM Notification Message), may send their details to the following: Email:NM.AD.SPVR@eurocontrol.int

1.4.2 The slot related messages for Aircraft Operators who have not been defined within the Network Manager database or who cannot be identified from the flight plan will, by default, be sent to the ARO at the departure aerodrome.

Note: ARO functions within the Riga FIR are performed by a centralised ARO, in cooperation with the international NOTAM office (see GEN 3.1 ).

1.4.3 Aircraft operators shall be aware of strategic ATFM measures (e.g Route Availability Document - RAD).


URL https://www.eurocontrol.int/network-operations


2.1 Flight plan requirements

2.1.1 Flight plan and associated messages for flights departing from Riga FIR international airports to the IFPS zone are addressed to both IFPS addresses

IFPS addresses are:


Haren, Belgium




Bretigny, France



2.1.2 Flight plan and associated messages for flights departing from Riga FIR international airports outside the IFPS zone are addressed to both the previously mentioned IFPS units and, additionally, to relevant ATS units outside the IFPS zone.

2.1.3 Non-repetitive (ICAO) IFR flight plans for flights which may be subject to ATFCM measures shall be submitted to the appropriate ARO or directly to the IFPS at least 3 hours before Estimated Off-Block Time (EOBT).

2.1.4 Changes in EOBT of more than 15 minutes and/or cancellation of both repetitive and non-repetitive flight plans shall be immediately reported to the appropriate ARO or directly to the IFPS.

2.1.5 The IFPS responds to the originator of the FPL using one of the following Operational Reply Messages (ORMs):

• ACK - IFPS Acknowledgement Message. Indicates that the message has been successfully processed and accepted by the IFPS.

• MAN - IFPS Manual Message. Indicates that errors have been detected and that the message has been referred for manual processing by an IFPS Operator. If the IFPS Operator is successful in correcting the error, the MAN will be followed by an ACK message. If unsuccessful, the MAN may be followed by a REJ message.

• REJ - IFPS Rejection Message. Indicates that the message was invalid and has been rejected by the IFPS. The AO or flight plan originator should re-submit a valid flight plan.

2.2 ATFCM (Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management) documentation

2.2.1 The general ATFCM procedures which apply throughout the ICAO European region are published in the following ICAO documents:

• Doc 7030 - Regional Supplementary Procedures (Europe)

• Doc 003 - ATFM Handbook (EUR)

• Doc 7754 - Air Navigation Plan, European Region (EUR ANP)

2.2.2 Detailed NMOC Procedures are found in the “Network Operations Handbook”, obtainable from the Network Operations Library, at https://www.eurocontrol.int/network-operations#library

2.2.3 The ATFM measures are also published through the following:

• the Route Availability Document (RAD);

• the ATFCM Notification Message (ANM);

• the ATFCM Information Message (AIM);

• the European Airspace Use Plan (eAUP), originated by the NMOC and of which the ANM, AIM and eAUPare distributed via AFTN and EUROCONTROL Public Network Operations Portal (NOP-portal):


Information relating to the application of ATFCM measures can also be obtained from the Riga FMP.

2.3 Application and provision of ATFCM procedures

2.3.1 ATFCM procedures are applied to IFR/GAT flights.

2.3.2 NMOC may apply ATFCM Measures to flights which:

a. take place within the Riga FIR;

b. depart from within the Riga FIR;

c. enter the Riga FIR after departing from a FIR which is part of the ATFCM Area or ATFCM Adjacent Areas of the NM.

2.3.3 The list of current and planned ATFCM measures is published daily, together with any updates, by the NMOC via the ANMs or AIMs, ref Item 2.2.3.

2.4 ATFCM slot allocation

2.4.1 A slot is assigned time (CTOT - Calculated Take-Off Time) with a tolerance of -5 to +10 minutes during which the aircraft shall take-off.

2.4.2 Flights departing from within the Riga FIR and which are subject to ATFCM measures will automatically be allocated a departure slot in the form of a Calculated Take-Off Time (CTOT). The CTOT will be provided to the Aircraft Operator in the form of a Slot Allocation Message (SAM) 2 hours before the EOBT.

2.4.3 Aircraft operators are required to comply with the Departure slot parameters. A request for an amendment to the issued slot is to be made using the ATFCM message exchange mechanisms published in the the “Network Operations Handbook”.

2.5 Exemptions from ATFCM slot allocation

2.5.1 STS indicators are in some cases recognised by the NM systems as qualifying for exemption from flow regulation.

2.5.2 The following abbreviations result in exemption from flow regulation:

• STS/HEAD – for flights with "Head of State" status;

• STS/SAR – for flights engaged in Search and Rescue missions;

• STS/MEDEVAC – for a flight for a life critical emergency evacuation;

• STS/FFR – for flights engaged in fire-fighting;

•STS/ATFMX – for flights approved for exemption from ATFCM measures by the appropriate ATS authority.

Note: More detailed information concerning the ATFCM implications of the STS/ indicator is available in the “Network Operations Handbook”, parts ATFCM Users Manual and IFPS Users Manual, which is available via the Network Operations Library, at:URL: https://www.eurocontrol.int/network-operations#library

2.5.3 The following guidelines should be used to determine whether a flight should be entitled to obtain exemption from the ATFM slot allocation process and use the STS/ATFMX indicator:

a. if the flight does not operate with all possible delays eliminated, a life or lives may be lost. Such flights shall require specific medical/UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) authorisation in support of the request;

b .the person or persons on board a flight are on State business of such importance that the flight cannot accept any delay;

c. the mission being undertaken by the flight, carried out by or on behalf of the State, is of such importance that any delay will jeopardise the success of the mission.

If any of the above applies, the flight may be granted approval to use the STS/ATFMX indicator by the appropriate authority in the State of departure of that flight, and details shall be passed on to the ATFM Service.

2.5.4 The operator of a flight seeking approval to insert the STS/ATFMX indicator in Item 18 of an ICAO Flight Plan form for a flight departing from an aerodrome within the Riga FIR, including the necessity to insure safe and expeditious delivery of vaccines, shall obtain prior approval, a minimum of 3 hours in advance of the flight, from:

State Joint-Stock Company “Latvijas gaisa satiksme”

Flow Management and Flight Data Unit (FMFDU)

Tel: +371 67300653

Fax: +371 67300652

E-mail: fmfdu@lgs.lv

Note: Upon approval of the flight carrying vaccines, STS/ATFMX and RMK/VACCINE shall be inserted in item 18 of the FPL. AO carrying vaccines regularly may request approval in advance for all flights involved.