1.1 International flights into, from or over the Latvian territory shall be subject to the current regulations of the Republic of Latvia relating to civil aviation. These regulations correspond in all essentials to the Standards and recommended practices contained in Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
1.2 The states parties to the International Air Services Transit Agreement are entitled to:
- fly across the territory of the Republic of Latvia without landing;
- landing in the territory of the Republic of Latvia for non-commercial purposes.
1.3 Aircraft may be operated within the Latvian territory only if the conditions in Regulation (EC) No 785/2004 of 21 April 2004 on insurance requirement for air carriers and aircraft operators are met. The insurance requirements are applicable both for aviation for commercial purposes and aviation for non-commercial purposes. The insurance shall cover aviation specific liability in respect of passengers, baggage, cargo and third parties and shall include acts of war, terrorism, hijacking, acts of sabotage, unlawful seizure of aircraft and civil commotion.
1.4 The Republic of Latvia is a Member State of European Union. Aircraft flying into or departing from the Latvian territory from/to non-Schengen States shall make their first landing at, or their final departure from an aerodrome/heliport at which a border crossing point is established in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the border crossing points and the checks carried out therein.
Aircraft landing into or departing from the Latvian territory to/from abroad within the Schengen zone can make their initial landing at, or final departure from any aerodrome.
1.5 Flights over the territory of the Republic of Latvia performed by aircraft not provided with the equipment specified in GEN 1.5 shall be operated only if authorised by the Civil Aviation Agency, except in an emergency situation during flight.
1.6 Third country operators (TCO), including TCOs wet-leased by or code-sharing with an EU operator, shall only engage in scheduled or non-scheduled commercial air transport operations within, into or out of the territory subject to the provisions of the Treaty of the European Union when they hold an authorisation issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (the Agency) in accordance with Regulation (EU) 452/2014.
Applications for an authorisation, including all the necessary documentation, should be submitted to the Agency at least 30 days before the intended starting date of operation.
A TCO may perform air ambulance flights or a non-scheduled flight or series of non-scheduled flights to overcome an unforeseen, immediate and urgent operational need without first obtaining an authorisation, provided that the operator:
1. notifies the Agency prior to the intended date of the first flight in a form and manner established by the Agency;
2. is not a subject to an operating ban pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005; and
3. applies for an authorisation within 10 working days after the date of notification to the Agency.
Those flights must be specified in the notification and may be performed for a maximum period of six consecutive weeks after the date of notification or until the Agency has taken a decision on the application, whichever comes sooner. Please note that, a notification may only be filed by an operator once every 24 months.
An authorisation will not be required for operations only overflying the above mentioned EU territories without a planned landing.
For more information please visit the EASA website: URL: http://easa.europa.EU/TCO.
Note: Member States continue to be responsible for issuing operating permits. The safety authorisation issued by the Agency is one prerequisite in the process of obtaining an operating permit or equivalent document from the respective EU Member State under existing Air Service Agreements between EU Member States and third countries.
2.1.1 According to Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 September 2008 (hereinafter referred to as Regulation No. 1008/2008), Article 15(2), a Community air carrier operates air services between the Republic of Latvia and another Member State of the European Union, a Member State of the European Economic Area, or the Swiss Confederation without the need for an authorization issued by the Aviation Department.
2.1.2 Passenger, baggage, and cargo air transport to and from Latvia is carried out in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 469 of August 22, 2023, “Regulations on the Carriage of Passengers, Baggage, and Cargo by Air”.
Applications for permits shall be submitted to:
Ministry of Transport
Aviation Department
Emīlijas Benjamiņas iela 3
Rīga, LV-1743, Latvija
Tel: +371 67028209
E-mail: aviation@sam.gov.lv
2.1.3 The application must follow the ICAO standard.
2.2.1 An airline intending to commence scheduled flights between the Republic of Latvia and a country that is not a Member State of the European Union, a Member State of the European Economic Area, or the Swiss Confederation (hereinafter referred to as a third country), shall submit to the Aviation Department at least 30 days prior to the planned commencement of air transport: an application indicating:
a) information about the air carrier (name, address, telephone number, email address, contact person in the Republic of Latvia);
b) type of flight and IATA season;
d) route, time, and flight number;
f) type, serial number, and registration of the aircraft; a copy of the operating license or equivalent document; a copy of the air operator certificate; a copy of the aviation security program for the air carriers registered in the third countries; copies of the necessary insurance policies; responsible authority’s permission copy of the commercial agreement (code sharing or ACMI).
2.2.2 The carrier registered in the third country wishing to commence scheduled flights between the Republic of Latvia and a third country must meet the following requirements:
a) must be authorized to operate flights in accordance with bilateral air traffic agreements between Latvia and third countries, or European Union horizontal and comprehensive agreements with third countries or based on an agreement between the Ministry of Transport and the responsible aviation authority of the registering state of the respective air carrier;
b) must hold a permit issued by EASA for Third Country Operators (TCO).
2.2.3 The carrier registered in European Union Member State, a European Economic Area Member State, or the Swiss Confederation (hereinafter referred to as the Community), to operate scheduled flights to the Republic of Latvia, must be registered as a carrier within the meaning of Article 4 of Regulation No. 1008/2008.
2.2.4 All documents listed below must follow the ICAO standard format as set forth in the relevant appendices to ICAO Annex 9 and are acceptable when furnished in English, French, Spanish or Russian and completed in legible handwriting. Customs authorities may require an oral or written translation into Latvian. No visas are required in connection with such documents.
2.2.5 Aircraft documents required (arrival/departure).
Required by |
General declaration |
Passanger manifest |
Cargo manifest |
Customs |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Border-guard |
1 |
a) one copy of the general declaration is endorsed and returned by customs, signifying clearance;
b) if no passengers are embarking (disembarking) and no articles are laden (unladen), no aircraft document except copies of the general declaration need to be submitted to the above authorities;
c) a carrier which performs international flights from a third country to the Republic of Latvia has a duty immediately after the end of the boarding registration of passengers to provide to the State Border Guard data regarding passengers by sending to email: lo.riga@rs.gov.lv .
3.1.1 Passenger, baggage, and cargo air transport to and from Latvia is carried out in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 469 of August 22, 2023, “Regulations on the Carriage of Passengers, Baggage, and Cargo by Air”.
3.1.2 Types of non-scheduled flight permits: Single permit carriage by air - a non-scheduled air transport permit issued to the air carrier to perform no more than four air transport operations with a specific flight schedule; General permit carriage by air - a non-scheduled air transport permit issued to the air carrier to perform series of air transport operations with or without a flight schedule; Notification of air taxi service – for non-scheduled air transport service performed on demand with an aircraft having a maximum passenger seating configuration of no more than 19.
3.1.3 A non-scheduled flight permit is required: for a Community air carrier intending to perform carriage by air between the Republic of Latvia and a third country; for an air carrier registered in a third country intending to perform carriage by air between the Republic of Latvia and a third country, or between the Republic of Latvia and another Community state.
3.1.4 No permission is required for: transit flights without landing; landing on the territory of the Republic of Latvia for non-traffic purposes; Community air carrier intending to provide air taxi services between the Republic of Latvia and a third country. At least one hour before the planned commencement of the carriage by air, the Community air carrier sends a notification to the Aviation Department regarding the planned flight; the third country registered air carrier intending to provide air taxi services between the Republic of Latvia and a third country, or between the Republic of Latvia and another Community state. At least one hour before the planned commencement of the carriage by air, the third country carrier sends the notification to the Aviation Department regarding the planned flight; flights in connection with an emergency.
3.2.1 The air carrier wishing to obtain a Single permit carriage by air must submit an application for a non-scheduled flight permit to the Aviation Department at least 2 working days before the planned commencement of the carriage by air.
3.2.2 The air carrier wishing to obtain a General permit carriage by air must submit an application for a non-scheduled flight permit to the Aviation Department at least 10 working days before the planned commencement of the carriage by air.
3.2.3 Applications for non-scheduled flight permits and air taxi service notifications shall be submitted to:
Ministry of Transport
Aviation Department
Emīlijas Benjamiņas iela 3
Rīga, LV-1743, Latvija
Tel: +371 67028209
Email: aviation@sam.gov.lv
3.2.4 The application for a non-scheduled flight permit, as well as the air taxi services notification must contain the following information:
a) air carrier's name, address, telephone number, email address;
b) representative submitting the application on behalf of the air carrier;
c) flight type, purpose, full route, and time;
d) charterer;
e) flight number, aircraft type, serial number, registered aircraft owner and registration number.
3.2.5 The application must be attached with the following information:
a) a copy of the air carrier's license or equivalent document;
b) a copy of the aircraft operator certificate;
c) a copy of the authorization issued by the EASA to the air carrier registered in a third country in accordance with Article 3 of Regulation No. 452/2014;
d) a copy of the aircraft registration certificate;
e) a copy of the aircraft insurance policy;
f) a copy of the charter agreement.
3.2.6 The single permit carriage by air application and the notification of air taxi services, in addition must be accompanied with the:
a) information about the number of passengers or the type and quantity of cargo;
b) information about the passenger list (passenger's name, surname, date of birth, nationality, type, and number of travel document used).
3.2.7 A carrier registered in a third country wishing to obtain a general permit carriage by air for commencing flights between the Republic of Latvia and another state that is not the registration state of the air carrier, before commencing the planned carriage by air, must additionally submit:
a) a letter from the competent authority of the registration state of the air carrier, requesting permission for the air carrier of that state to perform carriage by air on a specified route between the Republic of Latvia and the respective state;
b) a letter from the responsible aviation authority of both the registration state of the air carrier and the state to which the air carrier intends to conduct non-scheduled flights, certifying that the respective aviation authority guarantees similar rights to carriers registered in the Republic of Latvia to perform series of non-scheduled flights in an equivalent route.
3.2.8 The Aviation Department may impose additional conditions and obligations or prohibit the carriage by air if non-scheduled flights significantly disrupts the interests of scheduled flight operations.
3.2.9 Non-scheduled flight permits are valid for 96 hours, calculated from the planned arrival time at a Latvian airport or the planned departure time from a Latvian airport.
3.2.10 Within three working days, the Aviation Department evaluates the information provided in the notification of air taxi services. If discrepancies are found in the submitted notification, the Aviation department contacts the notifier and requests rectification of the identified discrepancies.
An application for the non-scheduling carriage of cargo or mail from a third country airport to an EU airport in addition must include:
1) information on the ACC3 status of the airline at the airport of loading in accordance with Article 6.8 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) 2015/1998, or
2) information that the country of the airport of loading is not subject to the ACC3 requirement in accordance with the provisions of Annex 6 Fii to Regulation (EU) 2015/1998, or
3) an application by an airline for an exemption from carriage from an airport in a third country in which the airline has not been granted an ACC3 designation.
Note: the circumstances specified in the application on the basis of which it is decided whether it is possible to apply an exemption in accordance with Article 6.8 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 shall be evaluated by the Civil Aviation Agency.
4.1 The flights into the territory of the Republic of Latvia or in transit through the territory of the Republic of Latvia may only be carried with a permit issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia. The flight permit issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be necessary for each flight of the aircraft provided for the performance of public functions and State aircraft in airspace of the Republic of Latvia with the exception of aircraft of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, its Member State or a Member State of the European Union, if the purpose of their flights is:
4.1.1 for carrying heads of the States, Speakers of the Parliament, heads of the government, Ministers for Foreign Affairs and official delegations of the States;
4.1.2 for military aviation aircraft flights;
4.1.3 for carrying of dangerous goods (except the dangerous goods referred to in Point 4.2. of 18 Annex to the Convention the carriage of which by air is prohibited, if they are not covered by an exemption for carriage);
4.1.4 for search and rescue operations;
4.1.5 for medical evacuation and transportation of injured persons;
4.1.6 for provision of humanitarian assistance;
4.1.7 for carrying of diplomatic mail.
4.2 The request must be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia at least 5 working days before the planned arrival of the aircraft in the airspace of the Republic of Latvia.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia
Diplomatic corps division
K.Valdemāra iela 3
LV-1395 Rīga, Latvija
Tel: +371 67016208
e-mail: mfa.cha@mfa.gov.lv; protocol@mfa.gov.lv
4.3 The flight permit request shall be drawn up in accordance with the Annex to Cabinet Regulation No. 47 of 27 January 2015, Procedures for Granting Permission to Use Airspace of the Republic of Latvia to Subjects of the International Public Law.
The application shall contain the following information:
a) type, nationality and registration marks of aircraft;
b) name and address of operator;
c) flight number;
d) aerodrome and estimated time (UTC) of departure;
e) date and estimated time (UTC) of entry into Latvian airspace;
f) route of flight (within Latvian airspace);
g) destination aerodrome and estimated time (UTC) of arrival.
Return flight:
a) flight number;
b) aerodrome and estimated time of departure;
c) route of flight (within Latvian airspace);
d) destination aerodrome and estimated time (UTC) of arrival.
General data:
a) purpose of the flight;
b) number of persons and/or amount of freight to be loaded or unloaded.
No prior permission is required for private flights operated into, in transit over or from the Latvian territory by aircraft registered in States which are parties to the Chicago Convention.
5.2.1 Prior permission for all of aspects of aviation aerial works into or in transit over Latvian airspace should be requested at least 30 working days before the intended day of operation to the Civil Aviation Agency, address:
Civil Aviation Agency
Lidosta “Rīga”, Biroju iela 10
Mārupes pagasts
Mārupes novads
LV-1053, Latvija
Tel: +371 67830936
Fax: +371 67830967
e-mail: caa@caa.gov.lv
The following flights, except passenger, baggage, cargo and postal air services, require special aerial works authorization for airspace access. The list of special aerial flights not exhaustive:
a) flights for agriculture, construction activities, aerial photography, topography, surveillance and patrolling, banner flights;
b) activities connected with light, radio and all types of electromagnetic radiation, which may cause threats to the safety of the flights of aircraft and other material objects;
c) activities related to the rising, moving or lowering of material objects within the airspace.
5.2.2 The airspace access request for special aerial works shall specify the following information:
a) the name of the aircraft operator and the main contractor, legal address of residence, uniform registration number and the document which attests the right to perform the activity applied for;
b) aircraft type intended for performing aerial surveying and aerial photography, the aircraft's state and registration mark, the aircraft's color and marking, the given name and surname (name), place of residence or legal address, uniform registration number or personal identity number of the aircraft's owner;
c) the type of aerial work, planned area of flight, the height required for performance of works (in feet), the date and time of commencement and termination of works expressed as Universal Time Co-ordinated (UTC), aerodrome or landing area from which flights will be performed, and flight route;
d) the type of aerial surveying and aerial photography applied for and justification for performing them (for example, a copy of the contract) and the method of aerial surveying and aerial photography (description, specification) and of the materials (products) obtained as a result of aerial surveying and aerial photography;
e) the given name, surname of all aircrew members (including reserve), number and term of validity of civil aviation personnel license;
f) the name, model of apparatus to be used for aerial surveying and aerial photography (installation, devices, equipment), name of the manufacturer and description of technical capabilities, the type and resolution of obtained materials (products);
g) the region of aerial surveying and aerial photography (indicate the geographic coordinates of four points describing this region with a precision of 5'' (five seconds) and the area of the respective region (in square kilometers).
6.1 Health measures and Public health requirements are prescribed by the International Health Regulations, the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia No. 257, 21.07.1998. The order of carrying out the sanitary – medical (health) measures to prevent the spread of dangerous infectious diseases and the Regulations of the Cabinet of the Republic of Latvia No. 662, 28.09.2021 Epidemiological Safety Measures for the Containment of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection.
6.2 Prior to entering the airspace of the Republic of Latvia the pilot-in-command on board an international aircraft shall inform the border guards or sanitary/medical inspection officers in the case of a suspected infection of cholera, plaque, arthropod – borne viral fevers and haemhorragic fevers (Ebola viral disease, Lassa fever, yellow fever, Marburg viral disease) on board.
6.3 On entering the Latvian territory, the pilot-in-command on board an international aircraft shall provide a general declaration to a Public health officer.
6.4 If information is received that an aircraft from an infected country (territory) has entered the Republic of Latvia a Public health officer shall take the following measures:
6.4.1 primary medical examination of the disembarked persons and the gathering of information by direct or indirect communication with infected persons;
6.4.2 sanitary hygienic inspection of the aircraft, cargo (except transit cargo containers not to be reloaded), drinking water and luggage;
6.4.3 organisation of isolation (hospitalisation) of infected persons;
6.4.4 passage prohibition of cargo, personal luggage and international mailings in the case of a real threat of spreading an infection;
6.4.5 organisation of deratisation, disinfection and disinsection of the aircraft that has entered Latvian territory, cargo, containers, drinking water and luggage, if there is a reasonable suspicion that a pathogen or a carrier is on board.