The regime of free movement of goods within the European Union area applies, therefore for flights arriving from or departing to EU Member States no customs controls are performed.
However, there are quantitative restrictions on the import into Latvia of certain excise goods purchased for personal use in another EU Member State, such as tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, coffee and non-alcoholic beverages, and fuel.
Detailed information on the limits on quantities of these goods can be found on the website of the State Revenue Service: URL: .
Customs procedures are applied to all flights arriving from or departing to non-EU States, and to persons in transfer from non-EU to EU States.
Persons and their baggage are always subject to customs clearance upon arrival at an aerodrome in Latvia, including aircraft crew members.
If the value and/or quantity of the goods transported across the customs border exceed the set amount exempted (see below), the goods shall be declared and the applicable duties and taxes paid.
If the person has no goods to declare or has goods that are exempt from taxes, he/she shall pass through the green marked exit.
If the person has goods to declare he/she shall pass through the red exit and declare the goods to the customs official present.
Note: An oral declaration by the person carrying the goods is accepted at the customs checkpoint. A declaration form is available at the checkpoint and it may be completed with the advice of customs staff. The duties are further paid against a receipt issued by a customs official.
If the goods are not declared upon crossing the customs border, the person may be held liable under administrative regulations or criminal law, as appropriate.
Exemptions from customs duties
The goods in passenger (crew) baggage are exempt from customs duty if they are intended for personal use. The maximum value of such goods per person is EUR 430/EUR 285 for children under the age of 15 years.
Note: Customs duty requirements apply only to new and unused goods.
Other exemptions from customs duty exist.
Other exemptions from customs duty
Examples include: personal property brought by a person changing permanent residence, school supplies, study materials, student’s furniture and belongings of persons arriving in the EU customs territory with the purpose to study, etc.
Certain amounts of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages can also be brought into Latvia without paying customs duties.
When travelling directly from or travelling to a country outside the EU, amounts exceeding EUR 10 000 (or equivalent in any currency, banker’s draft, money orders, cheques and other financial instruments that give the person the right to receive money, when signed) must be declared.Details can be found by consulting the website of the State Revenue Service: URL:
Special categories of goods:
1. Works of Art and Antiquities
For more information consult the State Inspection for Heritage Protection website: URL:
2. Endangered Wildlife and objects/goods made of Endangered Animal and Plant Materials
The Washington Convention “On International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora” (CITES Convention) applies.
Note: Many souvenirs require both import and export permits to be transported into the EU, therefore it is advisable to consult the CITES Administrations of the States concerned, and find out before the trip which souvenirs are safe to purchase.
3. Counterfeit Consumer Goods – persons importing such goods may be fined and the goods confiscated.
4. Strategic Goods
The import or export of strategic (military or dual use) goods requires special licence issued by the Committee for Control of Goods of Strategic Significance.
Consult the Strategic Goods Export Control Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, website: URL:
5. Firearms
The import or export of firearms is only possible with prior authorisation from the Ministry of Interior.
6. Food products
When arriving in Latvia, food products in personal baggage are subject to veterinary and food safety control.It is forbidden to import meat and meat products, milk and milk products and pet food for personal use. These products will be confiscated and destroyed.
7. Plants and plant products
It is prohibited to import certain plants and plant products. Persons are also not permitted to bring plant protection means (chemical or biological preparations against plant diseases and pests) into the EU.
Certain plant products in small quantities for the personal use of the holder or for a recipient can be imported into the EU, provided they do not pose a phytosanitary risk.
Detailed information about the import of food products, plants and products where special requirements apply, can be found on the website of the Food and Veterinary Service:
8. Medicine
Certain amounts of medicine intended for the personal use of the holder or for a recipient are permitted.For information consult the website of the Food and Veterinary Service:
The Republic of Latvia is a member of the Schengen Agreement which removes immigration controls for travel within the collective territory of the Member States (Schengen Area).
All Member States of the Schengen Agreement have common procedures and rules for issuing short-term visas (up to 90 days in any 180-day period). The rules are set out in Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code). This regulation applies to nationals of third countries that must be in possession of a visa when crossing the external border of the European Union, as listed in Regulation (EC) No 539/2001. The regulation also establishes the list of countries whose citizens are exempt from visa requirements. Requirements for specific issues, such as: airport transit visas and exemptions, visas for Merchant seamen, issue of visas at the external border can also be found in the Travel Information Manual (TIM) published monthly by IATA.
For exact and up-to-date information on immigration requirements, consult the web page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, Consular Information Section, which is available in Latvian and English languages: and
The following information is available:
1. Table of travel documents recognised by Latvia;
2. On obtaining visas: types of visa, Consular territorial competence, documents required when applying for a visa, when a visa application is admissible, visa fees, travel medical insurance, means of subsistence in order to stay in Latvia, procedure of appeal against refusal, annulment or revocation of visa;
3. Countries whose citizens may enter Latvia without a visa;
4. Third countries whose nationals are subject to prior consultation before issuing visas;
5. Travel with residence permits and long-stay visas issued by other Schengen States;
6. Missions that issue visas for travelling to Latvia;
7. European Community visa facilitation agreements with third countries.
Note: The European Union has concluded visa facilitation agreements with Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
The visa facilitation agreements between the European Union and third countries govern such issues as:
• visa requirements for holders of diplomatic passports;
• categories of persons to whom multiple-entry visas may be issued;
• documentation justifying the purpose of the journey to be submitted by specific categories of persons;
• fees for processing visa applications;
• categories of persons exempt from payment for the processing of visa applications.
Vaccinations are not required when entering Latvia.
The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC) of Latvia shall be contacted on specific issues, if travelling from or transiting via areas confronting public health issues (epidemics, outbreaks of diseases, etc):
Contact information:
Tel: +371 67501590
Fax: +371 67501591