1. Summary of the Latvian National Laws and Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers (RCM) Affecting Air Navigation

State Administration

Law on Aviation Chapter I, II, IV and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 842 on Civil Aviation Agency

December 11, 2012

No. 624 on Civil Aviation Agency’s inspector certificate

August 20, 2013

No. 299 on search and rescue in the sea in the area of responsibility of Maritime Search and Rescue Co-ordination Centre (MRCC) in the event of a maritime and aviation accident

May 29, 2018

No. 755 on National Civil Aviation Safety Program

November 16, 2021

State Administration Structure Law Chapter II and RCM:

June 6, 2002

No. 973 on transport accident and incident investigation

December 20, 2005


Law on Aviation Chapter III, VI and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 200 on civil aircraft registration procedures, national marks and registration marks

March 14, 2006

No. 573 on recognition of aircraft airworthiness

July 11, 2006

No. 661 on civil aircraft building and reconstruction, manufacturing of individual aircraft parts, equipment and accessories and aircraft maintenance

August 15, 2006

No. 650 on foreign aircraft ramp inspection procedures

October 21, 2014

No. 457 on regulations for the register of unmanned aircraft, unmanned aircraft system operators, remote pilots and aircraft model clubs and associations

June 29, 2021


Law on Aviation Chapter IV and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 1041 on aircraft operation restrictions at airports in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection

December 27, 2005

No. 487 on civil subsonic jet aircraft operating restrictions

June 20, 2006

No. 635 on civil aviation aerodromes creation, certification and operation

August 1, 2006

No. 750 procedures by which military aviation aircraft shall use civil aviation aerodromes, and civil aviation aircraft shall use military aviation aerodromes

December 04, 2018

No. 447 on granting of access to the aerodrome service market

June 17, 2008

No.444 on procedures how State aircraft use Civil Aviation Aerodrome

September 17, 2019

Civil Aviation Personnel

Law on Aviation Chapter V, VII and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 698 on civil aviation personnel health inspections, health certificate issuance and the aero-medical centres and aero-medical examiners certification procedures

November 1, 2016

No. 444 on certification of personnel involved in security programme of civil aviation

August 8, 2017

No. 505 on civil aircraft crew members duty and rest time

July 24, 2012

No. 730 on licensing of ATS personnel and certification of their TO

November 16, 2016

No. 225 on procedures regarding recognition of the foreign state civil aviation aircrew certificates

May 9, 2023

No. 627 on certification of flight personnel and training organisations

October 17, 2017

No. 532 on civil cabin crew training and certification

August 25, 2018

No. 374 on procedures for obtaining and monitoring the status of recognized bodies

June 15, 2021

No. 436 on remote pilot qualification rules

June 29, 2021

No. 754 on civil aviation aircraft flight crew member certification

November 16, 2021

Medical Treatment Law Chapter X and RCM:

June 26, 1997

No. 394 on alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or toxic effect control

June 2, 2008


Law on Aviation Chapter V, VI and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 299 on search and rescue in the sea in the area of responsibility of Maritime Search and Rescue Co-ordination Centre (MRCC) in the event of a maritime and aviation accident

May 29, 2018

No. 194 on meteorological minimum for aviation purposes

March 14, 2006

No. 248 on unmanned aircraft operations

April 23, 2024

No. 657 on aircraft in-flight necessary weather reporting procedures

August 15, 2006

No. 309 on certification of aerial work operators

May 8, 2007

No. 481 on order how to use airspace of the Republic of Latvia in regards of certain activities

Regulation No 481 is supplemented by:Instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 9 on arrangements for cooperation between the Civil Aviation Agency and the Latvian National Armed Forces with respect to the way how Latvian National Armed Forces use the airspace (July 7, 2008)

July 10, 2007

No. 493 on parachute dropping

July 17, 2007

No. 819 on conditions for issuing a permit for air shows and on conditions for air show organisation and procedures

December 4, 2007

No. 120 on order how to require and receive a permit of Civil Aviation Agency for construction, installation and location of potentially dangerous objects for aircraft flight safety

March 10, 2015

No. 145 on ultra light aircraft flight arrangements

February 17, 2009

No. 1050 on aerostat flight procedure

September 15, 2009

No. 26 on airspace management, airspace structure and changes to it

January 12, 2016

No. 620 on ground based communication, navigation and surveillance equipment safety requirements and technical operation

August 20, 2013

No. 66 on aircraft flight procedure design, validation, approval and maintenance

February 14, 2023

No. 483 on aeronautical information preparation and dissemination

August 9, 2022

No. 824 on aircraft aerobatic flight procedure

December 23, 2014

No. 437 on procedures for the certification and oversight of specific categories of unmanned operators

June 29, 2021

No. 592 on procedures for flight with a linked balloon, kite, unmanned rocket and missile models

August 31, 2021

No. 627 on rules for unmanned aircraft operated by aircraft model clubs or associations

September 14, 2021


Law on Aviation Chapter VII and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 682 on national civil aviation security committee

December 1, 2015

No. 397 on national civil aviation security program

April 27, 2010

No. 415 on quality control program of civil aviation security

May 15, 2010

No. 460 on background checks and issuance of airport ID cards

July 30, 2013

No. 829 on procedures for performing background checks and for issuing and revoking the identity card of a member of the civil aviation flight crew

December 14, 2021

Protection Zone Law Chapter VI and RCM:

February 5, 1997

No. 415 on operational methodology for determining protective area for Communication, Navigation and Surveillance equipment

June 19, 2012

Aviation Rescue Work and the Investigation of Aviation accidents

Law on Aviation Chapter VIII and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 634 on occurrence reporting in civil aviation

November 3, 2015

No. 423 on accident and incident investigation in civil aviation

May 31, 2011

No. 331 on measures related to civil aviation accidents

May 31, 2016

Carriage by Air, Aerial Work and Aircraft Rental Agreements

Law on Aviation Chapter IX and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 394 on aerial work operations

July 3, 2018

No. 309 on certification of aerial work operators

May 8, 2007

No. 123 on carriage of dangerous goods

February 26, 2008

No. 469 on carriage of passengers, luggage and cargo

August 22, 2023

No. 377 on licensing of aerial work operators

May 17, 2011

No. 822 on civil aircraft exploitation certificate issuance

December 23, 2014


Law on Budget and Financial Management Part II and RCM:

March 24, 1994

No. 891 “Civil Aviation Agency” public service price list

December 21, 2021

Law on Taxes and Fees

February 2, 1995

Law on Aviation Chapter IV and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 447 on granting of access to the aerodrome service market

June 17, 2008

No. 540 aerodrome service fee determination

July 5, 2011

No.119 on "International Riga airport" ground handling service fees

February 28, 2017

No. 338 on state fee for issuance and renewal of an air transport licence

June 19, 2018

Liability and Insurance

Law on Aviation Chapter X and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 424 on procedures for paying for the damage to a third person or his property, if it is inflicted by the Republic of Latvia military aircraft or civil aircraft (or a separated object), which has been used by the Latvian National Armed Forces for military purposes

June 10, 2008

No. 447 on provisions concerning compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of the operation of unmanned aircraft

June 29, 2021

Public entertainment and special events security law Chapter III and RCM:

June 16, 2006

No. 298 on the public event organizer third party liability obligatory insurance

May 8, 2007

Military Aviation

Law on Aviation Chapter VI, XI and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 290 on the order on how to claim in the interests of public order and security the aircraft to land and how the decision is made on the conduct of a combat operation against the aircraft in the territory of the Republic of Latvia

April 18, 2006

No. 966 on military flight rules in the airspace of Latvia

November 21, 2006

No. 623 on SJSC “Latvijas Gaisa Satiksme” and the “Civil Aviation Agency” functions and resources to Latvian National Armed Forces in case the country is at risk

September 18, 2007

No. 722 on civil aviation aircraft used for military purposes

October 30, 2007

Environment Matters

Law on Aviation Chapter IV and RCM:

October 5, 1994

No. 1041 on aircraft operation restrictions at airports in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection

December 27, 2005

Law on Pollution Chapter II and III and RCM:

March 15, 2001

No. 366 on aviation activities in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme

July 9, 2013

No. 16 on noise assessment and management procedures

January 7, 2014

A new Law on Air Passenger Data was adopted on 19 January, 2017 and comes into force April 03, 2017.

Note: For full information on national Laws and Cabinet of Ministers Regulations visit the website:


No. 2018/1139 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing EASA - BASIC REGULATION (amendment: No. 2021/1087):

No. 628/2013 on working methods of the EASA - Standardisation Inspections;

No. 646/2012 on detailed rules on fines and periodic penalty payments;

No. 104/2004 on rules on the organisation and composition of the EASA Board of Appeal;

No. 319/2014 on the fees and charges levied by the EASA;

No. 452/2014 on technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations of third country operators

(amendments: No. 2016/1158; No. 2023/659);

No. 923/2012 on common rules of the air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation - Rules of the Air (SERA)

(amendments: No. 2016/1185; No. 2020/469; No. 2021/666; No. 2023/1772; No. 2024/404);

No. 965/2012 on technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations - Air Operations

(amendments: No. 800/2013; No. 71/2014; No. 83/2014; No. 379/2014; No. 2015/140; No. 2015/640; No. 2015/1329; No. 2016/1199; No. 2017/363; No. 2018/1042; No. 2018/1975; No. 2019/1384, No. 2019/1387; No. 2021/1296; No. 2021/2237; No. 2022/2203; No. 2023/217; No. 2023/1020);

No. 1178/2011 on technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew - Civil Aviation Aircrew

(amendments: No. 290/2012; No. 70/2014; No. 245/2014; No. 2015/445; No. 2016/539; No. 2018/1065; No. 2018/1119; No. 2018/1974; No. 2019/27; No. 2019/430; No. 2019/1747; No. 2020/723; No. 2021/2227);

No. 748/2012 on implementing rules for the airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, and certification of design and production organisations - Initial Airworthiness

(amendments: No. 7/2013; No. 69/2014; No. 2015/640; No. 2015/1039; No. 2016/5; No. 2019/897; No. 2020/570; No. 2021/699; No. 2021/1088; No. 2022/201; No. 2022/203; No. 2022/1253; No. 2022/1358; No. 2022/1361; No. 2022/1645; No. 2023/1028);

No. 1321/2014 on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks - Continuing Airworthiness

(amendments: No. 2015/1088; No. 2015/1536, No. 2018/1142, No. 2019/1383; No. 2019/1384; No. 2020/270; No. 2020/1159; No. 2021/700; No. 2021/1963; No. 2022/410; No. 2022/1360; No. 2023/989);

No. 139/2014 on requirements and administrative procedures related to aerodromes - Aerodromes

(amendments: No. 2018/401; No. 2020/469; No. 2020/1234; No. 2020/2148; No. 2022/208; No. 2022/1645; No. 2022/2074; No. 2024/405; No. 2024/894);

No. 2017/373 adopted 1 March 2017 lays down common requirements for providers of air traffic management/air navigation services and other air traffic management network functions and their oversight

(amendments No. 2020/469; No. 2021/665; No. 2021/1338; No. 2022/938; No. 2023/1771; No. 2024/403);

No. 2015/340 on technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to air traffic controllers’ licences and certificates

(amendment No. 2023/893);

No. 1332/2011 on common airspace usage requirements and operating procedures for airborne collision avoidance

(amendment: No. 2016/583);

No. 2018/1976 laying down detailed rules for the operation of sailplanes as well as for the flight crew licensing for sailplanes pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council;

No. 2018/1048 laying down airspace usage requirements and operating procedures concerning PBN;

No. 2018/395 on detailed rules for the operation of balloons as well as for the flight crew licensing for balloons pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council;

No. 2019/494 on certain aspects of aviation safety with regard to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union;

No. 2019/945 on unmanned aircraft systems and on third-country operators of unmanned aircraft systems

(amendment: No. 2020/1058);

No. 2019/947 on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft

(amendments: No. 2020/639; No. 2020/746; No. 2021/1166; No. 2022/425);

No. 2020/723 on detailed rules with regard to the acceptance of third-country certification of pilots and amending Regulation (EU) No. 1178/2011.

No. 549/2004 on the framework for the creation of the SES - FRAMEWORK REGULATION (amendment: No. 1070/2009):

No. 2019/317 on performance and charging scheme in the single European sky

No. 550/2004 on the provision of Air Navigation Services in the SES - SERVICE PROVISION REGULATION (amendment: No. 1070/2009):

No. 176/2011 on the information to be provided before the establishment and modification of a functional airspace;

No. 409/2013 on the definition of common projects, establishment of governance and the identification of incentives supporting implementation of EATM Master Plan

(amendment No. 2021/116).

No. 551/2004 on the organisation and use of airspace in the SES - AIRSPACE REGULATION (amendment: No. 1070/2009):

No. 2150/2005 on common rules for the flexible use of airspace;

No. 255/2010 on common rules on air traffic flow management

(amendments: No. 2016/1006; No. 2017/2159);

No. 2019/123 on detailed rules for the implementation of ATM network functions;

No. 2021/664 on a regulatory framework for the U-space.

Interoperability Regulations:

No. 2023/1768 on detailed rules for the certification and declaration of air traffic management/air navigation services systems and air traffic management/air navigation services constituents;

No. 2023/1769 on technical requirements and administrative procedures for the approval of organisations involved in the design or production of air traffic management/air navigation services systems and constituents;

No. 2023/1770 on provisions on aircraft equipment required for the use of the Single European Sky airspace and operating rules related to the use of the Single European Sky airspace.

Civil Aviation Security Regulations:

No. 300/2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation security

(amendment: No. 18/2010);

No. 272/2009 on supplementing the common basic standards on civil aviation security

(amendments: No. 297/2010; No. 720/2011; No. 1141/2011; No. 245/2013);

No. 1254/2009 on criteria to allow Member States to derogate from the common basic standards on civil aviation security and to adopt alternative security measures

(amendment: No. 2016/2096);

No. 72/2010 on procedures for conducting Commission inspections in the field of aviation security

(amendment: No. 2016/472);

No. 2015/1998 on common basic standards on aviation security

(amendments: No. 2015/2426; No. 2017/2159; No. 2018/55; No. 2019/103; No. 2019/413, No. 2019/1583, No. 2020/111; No. 2020/910; No. 2021/255; No. 2022/421; No. 2022/1174; No. 2023/566).

Operating Ban within the EU Regulations:

No. 2111/2005 on list of air carriers subject to an operating ban within the EU and on informing air transport passengers of the identity of the operating air carrier

(amendments: No. 2018/1136; No. 2023/660; No. 2023/661);

No. 474/2006 on list of air carriers subject to an operating ban within the EU

(amendments: No. 910/2006; No. 1543/2006; No. 235/2007; No. 787/2007; No. 043/2007; No. 1400/2007; No. 331/2008; No. 715/2008; No. 1131/2008; No. 298/2009; No. 619/2009; No. 1144/2009; No. 273/2010; No. 590/2010; No. 791/2010; No. 1071/2010; No. 390/2011; No. 1197/2011; No. 295/2012; No. 1146/2012; No. 659/2013; No. 1264/2013; No. 368/2014; No. 1318/2014; No. 2015/1014; No. 2015/2322; No. 2016/963; No. 2017/830; No. 2017/2215; No. 2018/871; No. 2019/618; No. 2019/2105; No. 2020/736; No. 2020/1992; No. 2021/2070; No. 2021/883; No. 2022/594; No. 2022/862; No. 2022/2295; No. 2023/1111; No. 2023/2691).

Civil Aviation Occurrences Regulations:

No. 996/2010 on the investigation and prevention of accidents and incidents in civil aviation

(amendments: No. 376/2014; No. 2018/1136);

No. 376/2014 on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation

(amendment: No. 2018/1136; No. 2021/2082);

No. 2015/1018 on a list classifying occurencies in civil aviation to be mandatory reported;

No. 2021/2082 on the arrangements for the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the common European risk classification scheme (Text with EEA relevance).

Economic Policy Regulations:

No. 95/93 on the allocation of slots at EU airports

(amendments: No. 894/2002; No. 1554/2003; No. 793/2004; No. 545/2009; No. 2021/250);

No. 785/2004 on insurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators

(amendments: No. 1137/2008; No. 285/2010; No. 2020/1118);

No. 1008/2008 on common rules for the operation of air services in the Community (amendments: No. 2018/1136; No. 2019/2);

No. 80/2009 on a code of conduct for computerised reservation systems.

Environmental Regulations:

No. 598/2014 on rules and procedures for the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions at Union airports within a Balanced Approach;

No. 748/2009 on the list of aircraft operators which performed an aviation activity listed in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC on or after 1 January 2006 specifying the administering Member State for each aircraft operator

(amendments: No. 82/2010; No. 115/2011; No. 394/2011; No. 100/2012; No. 109/2013; No. 815/2013; No. 100/2014; No. 2015/180; No. 2016/282; No. 2017/294; No.2018/336; No. 2019/225; No. 2019/226; No. 2021/662; No. 2022/455; No. 2023/838; No. 2024/1030);

No. 606/2010 on the approval of a simplified tool developed by Eurocontrol to estimate the fuel consumption of certain small emitting aircraft operators;

No. 601/2012 on the monitoring and reporting of GHG emissions

(amendment: No. 2018/2066);

No. 2018/2067 on the verification of data and on the accreditation of verifiers;

No. 421/2014 establishing a scheme for GHG emission allowance trading within the Community, in view of the implementation by 2020 of an international agreement applying a single GMBM to international aviation emissions;

No. 525/2013 on a mechanism for monitoring and reporting GHG emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change;

No 2019/1603 on measures adopted by the ICAO for the monitoring, reporting and verification of aviation emissions.

Passenger Protection Regulations:

No. 2027/97 on air carrier liability in the event of accidents

(amendment: No. 889/2002);

No. 261/2004 on compensation assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delays of flights;

No. 1107/2006 on the rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility when travelling by air.


No. 912/2010 on European GNSS Agency

(amendment: No. 512/2014);

No. 1285/2013 on the implementation and exploitation of European Satellite Navigation Systems.

SESAR, Research and Innovation Regulations:

No. 219/2007 on the establishment of a joint undertaking to develop the new generation European Air Traffic Management System (SESAR)

(amendments: No. 1361/2008; No. 721/2014);

No. 1291/2013 on Horizon 2020 - framework programme for research and innovation

(amendment: No. 2015/1017).

Note: For full information on EU Regulations, visit the website


• Convention on International Civil Aviation (The Chicago Convention);

• Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft (The Tokyo Convention);

• Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft (The Hague Convention);

• Protocol to Amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air Signed in Warsaw on 12 October 1929;

• Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation (The Montreal Convention);

• Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation. Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation;

• Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Signed in Montreal on 30 September 1977;

• Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Signed in Montreal on 6 October 1980;

• Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Signed in Montreal on 10 May 1984;

• Protocol Relating to an Amendment to Article 56 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Signed in Montreal on 6 October 1989;

• Open Skies Agreement;

• Protocol Relating to an Amendment to Article 50(a) of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Signed in Montreal on 26 October 1990;

• International Air Services Transit Agreement Signed in Chicago on 7 December 1944;

• Convention on the Marking of the Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection;

• Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air signed in Montreal on 28 May 1999;

• Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment signed in Cape Town on 16 November 2001;

• Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment signed in Cape Town on 16 November 2001;

• EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation, done at Brussels on 13 December 1960;

• Additional Protocol to the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation, done at Brussels on 6 July 1970;

• Protocol for the Amendment of the Additional Protocol to the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation, done at Brussels on 21 November 1978;

• Protocol amending the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, done at Brussels on 12 February 1981;

• Multilateral Agreement relating to Route charges, done at Brussels on 12 February 1981;

• Protocol consolidating the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, as variously amended, done at Brussels on 27 June 1997;

• Protocol on the accession of the European Community to the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, as variously amended and as consolidated by the Protocol of 27 June 1997, done at Brussels on 8 October 2002.