The following table of units of measurement will be used by aeronautical stations within the Riga FIR.
Distance used in navigation, position reporting, etc. - generally in excess of 2 nautical miles |
Nautical Miles and tenths |
Relatively short distances such as those relating to aerodromes (e.g. runway lengths) |
Metres |
Altitudes, elevations and heights |
Feet |
Horizontal speed including wind speed |
Knots |
Vertical speed |
Feet per minute |
Wind direction for landing and taking off |
Degrees Magnetic |
Wind direction except for landing and taking off |
Degrees True |
Visibility including runway visual range |
Kilometres or Metres |
Altimeter setting |
Hectopascal |
Temperature |
Degrees Celsius |
Weight |
Metric tons or Kilograms |
Time |
Hours and Minutes, a 24-hour day beginning at midnight UTC |
Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) is used by navigation services and in publications issued by the Aeronautical Information Service. Reporting of time is expressed to the nearest minute, e.g. 12:40:35 is reported as 1241.
In the AIP and associated publications, the expression “summer period“ indicates the part of the year in which the “daylight saving time“ is in force. The other part of the year will be named the “winter period“. Daylight saving time in Latvia is UTC plus 3 hours.
The “summer period“ will be introduced every year on the last Sunday in MAR at 0100 UTC and it will cease on the last Sunday in OCT at 0100 UTC.
Times applicable during the “summer period“ are given in brackets. Local time in Latvia is:
All published geographical co-ordinates indicating latitude and longitude are expressed in terms of the World Geodetic System - 1984 (WGS-84) geodetic reference datum.
The projection is expressed in terms of Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM).
The ellipsoid is expressed in terms of World Geodetic System -1984 (WGS-84) ellipsoid.
The World Geodetic System -1984 (WGS-84) is used.
The area of application for the published geographical co-ordinates coincides with the area of responsibility of the Aeronautical Information Service, i.e. the entire territory of the Republic of Latvia as well as the airspace over the high sea encompassed by the Riga Flight Information Region in accordance with the regional air navigation agreement.
Not applicable.
The vertical reference system used is Latvian normal height system at epoch 2000,5.
The quasigeoid model LV'14 is used, the accuracy of LV'14 is 4.0 cm. The model is available on the website of Latvian Geospatial Information Agency
The differences between LV'14 and Earth Gravitational Model 1996 (EGM-96) vary from -21 cm to 80 cm in the territory of Latvia.
LV'14 and EGM-96 difference surface, description of its preparation, difference conversion calculator are available on the website of Latvian Geospatial Information Agency
Not applicable
The nationality mark for aircraft registered in the Republic of Latvia is the letters YL. The nationality mark is followed by a hyphen and a registration mark consisting of 3 letters e.g. YL-AAA.
New Year’s Day |
01 JAN |
Good Friday |
FRI before Easter |
First Easter |
Easter SUN |
Easter Monday |
MON after Easter SUN |
Labour Day |
01 MAY |
Independence Declaration Day |
04 MAY |
Mother’s Day |
2nd SUN of MAY |
Pentecost |
7th SUN after Easter |
Ligo Day |
23 JUN |
Janis Day |
24 JUN |
Independence Day |
18 NOV |
Christmas Eve |
24 DEC |
Christmas Day |
25 DEC |
Boxing Day |
26 DEC |
New Year’s Eve |
31 DEC |