Tariff regulations are laid down in Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No 111 "Regulations Regarding Charge of the Aerodrome Services Provided by the State Stock Company Riga International Airport" of 28 February, 2017.

1. This Regulation prescribes:

1.1 the charge for the services provided by the State stock company Riga International Airport (hereinafter - Riga Airport) on the civil aviation aerodrome of State significance (hereinafter - aerodrome), including:

1.1.1 for taking-off and landing of aircraft;

1.1.2 for parking of an aircraft in the operative parking place for aircraft for a time during which ground handling of the aircraft is carried out before or after a flight;

1.1.3 for passenger services, indicating the services covered by the charge;

1.2 the procedures for collection and utilisation of the charge;

1.3 exemptions from the charge referred-to in Sub-paragraph 1.1 of this Regulation for aerodrome services.

2. The charge for taking-off and landing of aircraft, including the use of runways and taxiways, lighting of runways and taxiways , aerodrome control service and other facilities of the aerodrome, if the facility is necessary for ensuring the take-off and landing of aircraft, shall be EUR 2.05 per 1000 maximum permitted take-off mass kilograms (by rounding up to 10 kg) of aircraft for every take-off and landing. A training flight hour shall be considered equivalent to one take-off and landing, and the coefficient 0.75 shall be applied to the second and each following hour. For carriers using flexible maximum permissible take-off mass of aircraft, the calculation shall be made taking into account the largest maximum permitted take-off mass by which the aircraft is certified in the state of registry and, if the aircraft has several maximum permitted take-off masses, the maximum mass shall be taken into account.

3. The charge for parking of aircraft at the aircraft operative parking place for the time during which ground handling of the aircraft is carried out before or after the flight, shall be:

3.1 the first hour is free of charge, but in the case referred to in Paragraph 5 of this Regulation - the first 3 hours are free of charge;

3.2 the second and each following hour, but in the case referred to in Paragraph 5 of this Regulation - the fourth and each following hour - EUR 0.14 per 1000 maximum permitted take-off mass kilograms of aircraft but not less than EUR 30.

4. The charge for the use of passenger and public waiting rooms and corridors, as well as other passenger terminal facilities necessary for servicing of passengers (excluding centralised facilities) shall be EUR 3.10 for each departing passenger, except in cases if the carrier fulfils the conditions referred to in Paragraph 5 of this Regulation.

5. If in accordance with a published flight schedule the carrier starts payable flights (hereinafter - regular flights) at least once a week for at least six consecutive months to and from Riga Airport in a new direction (a flight in a new direction shall not include resumed regular flights of the carrier in a suspended flight route which the carrier has previously used when the period of flight suspension was less than 12 months) for flights further than 4200 km (by measuring the shortest distance) to an aerodrome to which no regular flights are performed at the moment of flight notification the charge for each passenger departing in the new flight direction during the first three years following the start of such flights shall be:

5.1 free of charge in the first year;

5.2 EUR 0.75 in the second year;

5.3 EUR 1.00 in the third year;

6. The charge for the use of passenger terminal facilities for transit and transfer passengers (passengers who depart from Riga Airport control zone in the same aircraft in which they arrived, or another aircraft) shall be EUR 1 for each departing transit and transfer passenger.

7. Exemptions from the charge referred to in Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of this Regulation shall include:

7.1 special flights, the sole purpose of which is to transport the ruling monarch and his or her direct family members, State leaders, government leaders and government ministers in an official secondment;

7.2 flights intended for search and rescue operations upon an order of a competent aviation search and rescue service;

7.3 flights with a State aircraft within the meaning of Article 3 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 7 December 1944.

8. Passengers aged under two years shall be exempted from the charge referred to in Paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of this Regulation.

9. An exemption from the charge referred to in Paragraph 3 of this Regulation shall apply to aircraft owners, users and providers of ground handling services which have concluded a separate contract according to the price list for the use of long-term aircraft parking place of Riga Airport in so far as it is not in contradiction with the national and international, including European Union, competition law.

10. The owner and operator of the aircraft shall be jointly liable for the settlements regarding services provided by Riga Airport.

11. The payment procedure of the charge referred to in Paragraph 5 of this Regulation shall be as follows:

11.1 for the first six months following the start of regular flights in a new direction the carrier shall ensure complete payment of the sum for services referred to in the Paragraph 4 of this Regulation;

11.2 after the performance of the flights referred to in Sub-paragraph 11.1 of this Regulation, if the conditions referred to in Paragraphs 5 and 12 of this Regulation have been fulfilled, Riga Airport re-calculate the charge and submit to the carrier a credit note for the departing passengers transported on the new regular flight route;

11.3 in the remaining period of flights, provided that the conditions referred to in Paragraphs 5 and 12 of this Regulation are fulfilled, the carrier shall ensure settlements in the amount referred to in Paragraph 5 of this Regulation.

12. The carrier shall be subject to the differentiated charges provided for in this Regulation if, at the time of calculating and issuing the credit note, the carrier does not have debts to the Riga Airport, otherwise the credit notes shall not be issued.

13. Payment for the services provided by Riga Airport shall be made by carrier within 30 days after sending of the respective invoice.

14. Payment for the services provided by Riga Airport to charter carriers shall be made by carrier or its representative after landing at Riga Airport with the intermediation of a payment service provider authorised to provide payment services in accordance with the Law On Payment Services and Electronic Money if not otherwise provided in the agreement.

15. A fine for late payment in the amount of 0.05 per cent from the principal debt not paid in due time for each day of delay shall be applied to payment delay.

16. The charge referred to in Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this Regulation shall be used to cover the costs of Riga Airport relating to aircraft take-off and landing, standing of aircrafts in the operative parking place and servicing of passengers, as well as to develop the infrastructure necessary for the provision of such services.

17. If by the date of entry into force of this Regulation in accordance with a published flight schedule the carrier starts regular flights to and from Riga Airport in a new direction (to an aerodrome to which no regular flights are performed at the moment of flight notification) at least twice a week for at least six consecutive months, the charge for each passenger departing in the new flight direction during the first three years following the start of such flights shall be:

17.1 for flights up to 3500 km (by measuring the shortest distance) - EUR 0.31 in the first year, EUR 1.25 in the second year, and EUR 2.19 in the third year;

17.2 for flights further than 3500 km (by measuring the shortest distance) - free of charge in the first year, EUR 0.94 in the second year, and EUR 1.55 in the third year.

18. The payment procedure of the charge referred to in Paragraph 17 of this Regulation shall be as follows:

18.1 during the first six months following the start of regular flights in a new direction the carrier shall pay EUR 3.10 for each departing passenger;

18.2 after performing the flights referred to in Sub-paragraph 18.1 of this Regulation, provided that the conditions referred to in Paragraph 17 of this Regulation are fulfilled, Riga Airport shall re-calculate the charge and submit to the carrier a credit note for the departing passengers transported in the respective new regular flight route;

18.3 for the remainder of the flight period, if the conditions referred to in Paragraph 17 of this Regulation have been fulfilled, the carrier shall perform the settlement in the amount referred to in Sub-paragraph 17.1 or Sub-paragraph 17.2 of this Regulation, respectively.

19. Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 210 of 16 April 2013 "Regulations Regarding Charge of the Aerodrome Services Provided by the State Stock Company Riga International Airport (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2013, No. 78, 2014, No. 189), is repealed.

20. Regulation shall enter into force on 2 March 2017.