The Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) which forms part of the State Joint-Stock Company "Latvijas gaisa satiksme", ensures the flow of information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international and national air navigation within the area of its responsibility, as indicated under GEN 3.1.2 below. It consists of the AIS Office and the International NOTAM Office (NOF) .

AIS Office

Operational HR: MON, TUE, WED, THU - 0630-1500 (0530-1400), FRI - 0630-1400 (0530-1300) (except HOL).

Post: Aeronautical Information Service

SJSC “Latvijas gaisa satiksme”

Muzeju iela 3, Lidosta “Rīga”

Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes novads, LV-1053


Tel: +371 67300664

Fax: +371 67300660




International NOTAM Office

Operational HR: H24

Post: International NOTAM Office

SJSC “Latvijas gaisa satiksme”

Muzeju iela 3, Lidosta “Rīga”

Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes novads, LV-1053


Tel: +371 67300665

Fax: +371 67300644



The service is provided in accordance with the provisions contained in the following ICAO documents:

• Annex 15 - Aeronautical Information Services;

• Doc 8126 - Aeronautical Information Services Manual;

• Doc 10066 Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aeronautical Information Management (PANS-AIM).

Differences from ICAO Annex 15 standards and recommended practices are listed in GEN 1.7.


The Aeronautical Information Service is responsible for the collection and dissemination of information for the entire territory of the Republic of Latvia and, in accordance with the regional air navigation agreement, for the airspace over the high seas encompassed by the Riga FIR.


The aeronautical information is provided in the form of Aeronautical Information Products consisting of the following elements:

• Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) and Amendment Service to the AIP;

• Supplements to the AIP (AIP SUP);

• Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC);

NOTAM and pre-flight information bulletins (PIB);

• Aeronautical Charts;

• AIP data set;

• Obstacle and terrain data sets.

NOTAM and the related monthly checklists are issued via the Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS), while PIB are made available as described in GEN 3.1.5. A list of valid NOTAMs is distributed by e-mail, on request. All other elements of the aeronautical information products are distributed using direct electronic distribution. All above mentioned publications are also published on the AIS webpage

1. AIP and related amendment service

The AIP is the basic aviation document intended primarily to satisfy international requirements for the exchange of permanent aeronautical information and long duration temporary changes essential for air navigation.

The AIP of Latvia is available in electronic form (eAIP) as HTML and PDF format and is published in English and Latvian for use in international and domestic operations, for both commercial and private flights.

Two types of AIP Amendments are produced:

- regular AIP Amendment (AIP AMDT), issued in accordance with the established regular interval (ref. AIC) and identified by a light blue background, incorporates permanent changes into the AIP;

- AIRAC AIP Amendment (AIRAC AIP AMDT), issued in accordance with the AIRAC system and identified by a pink background and the acronym AIRAC, incorporates operationally significant permanent changes into the AIP on the indicated AIRAC effective date.

Each regular and AIRAC AIP AMDT is allocated a separate serial number, which is consecutive and based on the calendar year. The year, indicated by four digits, is part of the serial number of the amendment, e.g. AMDT 001/2023, AIRAC AIP AMDT 001/2023.

Amendments (regular or AIRAC) to the eAIP are published by reissuing the eAIP .

Each eAIP issue contains:

  • the complete AIP for the relevant effective date;
  • the amendment for the relevant effective date;
  • published AIP Supplements and Aeronautical Information Circulars as on the publication date of eAIP;
  • AIP data set (the information elements in eAIP prefixed with “[AIP-DS]”).

The information elements prefixed with "[OBS-DS]" are omitted in eAIP, and the reference is provided to the available obstacle data set.

Electronic AIP sections have a check box in the top right corner, which allows changes to be displayed graphically.

The eAIP is available at the AIS of Latvia website in the section "eAIP" (view-only mode).

The eAIP (including the AIP data set) is available to subscribers who have access to the digital download page of the AIS of Latvia website (direct electronic distribution). For information on subscribing to aeronautical information products, please refer to the corresponding AIC.

2. AIP Supplements

Temporary changes of long duration (three months and longer) and information of short duration that consists of extensive text and/or graphics, supplementing the permanent information contained in the AIP, are published as AIP Supplements (AIP SUP). Operationally significant temporary changes to the AIP are published in accordance with the AIRAC system and its established effective dates, and are clearly identified by the acronym AIRAC AIP SUP.

Each AIP SUP (regular or AIRAC) is allocated a serial number which is consecutive and based on the calendar year, e.g. AIP SUP 001/2022, AIRAC AIP SUP 002/2022.

An AIP SUP remains valid as long as all or some of its contents remain valid. The period of validity of the information contained in the AIP SUP will normally be given in the supplement itself. Alternatively, a NOTAM may be used to indicate changes to the period of validity or cancel the supplement.

The checklist of AIP SUPs currently in force is issued with each list of valid NOTAM.

Valid supplements in PDF format are also available on the AIS website

AIP Supplements which are published in the period between the issue of two consecutive eAIP, are distributed to a subscriber’s e-mail address.

3. AIC

Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) contain information on the long-term forecast of any major change in legislation, regulations, procedures or facilities; information of a purely explanatory or advisory nature liable to affect flight safety; and information or notification of an explanatory or advisory nature concerning technical, legislative or purely administrative matters. AICs are divided by subject and are issued in two series (A and B). Series A AICs contain information affecting international civil aviation and are given international distribution, while Series B AICs contain information affecting national aviation only and are given national distribution.

Each AIC is numbered consecutively within each series, commencing at 1 at the start of each calendar year . The year, indicated by four digits, is a part of the serial number of the AIC, e.g. AIC A001/2022.

A checklist of AICs currently in force is issued as an AIC at least once a year.

Valid circulars in PDF format are also available on AIS website

AICs which are published in the period between the issue of two consecutive eAIP, are distributed to a subscriber’s e-mail address.

4. NOTAM and Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB)

NOTAM contain information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential for personnel concerned with flight operations. The text of each NOTAM contains the information in the order shown in the ICAO NOTAM Format and is composed of the significations / uniform abbreviated phraseology assigned to the ICAO NOTAM Code, complemented by ICAO abbreviations, indicators, identifiers, designators, call signs, frequencies, figures and plain language. NOTAM are originated and issued for the Riga FIR in English and are distributed in two series, identified by the letters A and S.

Series A

General rules and information on ATS routes, en-route navigation and communication facilities, airspace restrictions and reservations taking place in the Riga FIR and information concerning aerodromes contained in the AIP of Latvia.

Series S (SNOWTAM)

Information concerning snow, slush, ice or standing water associated with snow, slush and ice in the movement areas. SNOWTAM are issued directly by the individual aerodrome in separate series and prepared in accordance with ICAO Doc 10066, Appendix 4. Details are given in AD 1.2.2.

NOTAM published by Riga NOF are available:

Using NOTAM EAD Pan-European service

As an EAD INO Data Provider, the AIS of Latvia maintains Latvian NOTAM information in the EAD world-wide NOTAM DB. NOTAM information is available from the EAD to any interested party.

Based on pre-determined NOTAM distribution

All interested parties can receive Latvian NOTAM via AFTN. This service is based on the pre-determined inclusion of their AFTN address in the Latvian NOTAM distribution list.

Using AIS Latvia website

All interested parties can review Latvian NOTAM on the AIS Latvia website.

Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB) which contain a summary of current NOTAM and other information of an urgent nature and of significance to the operator/flight crews, are available as described in GEN 3.1.5.

The NOTAM database currently covers the whole ICAO European region (EUR) and parts of the Middle East/Asia (MID/ASIA) and the North Atlantic (NAT) regions. The coverage of the database is mainly restricted to aerodromes intended for regular international flights.

NOTAM Pre-flight information:

See GEN 3.1.5.

5. Checklists and lists of valid NOTAM

A Checklist of valid NOTAM is issued monthly via AFS. It contains the list of valid NOTAM and information about the valid AIP AMDTs, AIRAC AIP AMDTs, AIP SUPs and AICs.

A monthly plain-language list of valid NOTAM, including indications of the latest AIP AMDTs, AICs issued and a checklist of AIP SUPs is available on request, if submitted to the NOTAM Office with a 60-minute notice period. It will be sent by fax or e-mail.

A real-time updated version of the list of valid NOTAM and all valid AIP AMDTs, AIRAC AIP AMDTs, AIP SUPs and AICs can be consulted on the AIS Latvia website:

6. Sale of publications

The above-mentioned publications can be obtained from the Aeronautical Information Service. Purchase prices are published annually in AIC Series A.


In order to control and regulate the flow of changes requiring amendments to charts, route-manuals etc., such changes, whenever possible, will be issued on predetermined dates in accordance with the AIRAC System. This type of information will be published as an AIRAC AIP AMDT or an AIRAC AIP SUP. If the information cannot be published on an AIRAC predetermined date (AIRAC AIP AMDT or AIRAC AIP SUP) due to lack of time, a NOTAM PERM clearly describing changes will be issued. Such NOTAM will be incorporated in an AIRAC AIP AMDT or AIRAC AIP SUP within three months.

The table below indicates AIRAC effective dates for the coming years. AIRAC information will be issued so that the information will be received by the user no later than 28 days, and for major changes no later than 56 days, before the AIRAC effective date.

On the publication date (42 days before the AIRAC effective date), a trigger NOTAM will be issued giving a brief description of the contents, effective date and reference number of the AIRAC AIP AMDT or AIRAC AIP SUP that will become effective on that date.

The Trigger NOTAM will remain in force in the PIB during the 14 days after the related publication becomes effective.

If no information was submitted for publication on the AIRAC date, a NIL notification will be included in the monthly issued Checklist of valid NOTAM at least 42 days in advance of the AIRAC effective date.

Schedule of AIRAC Effective Dates




26 JAN

25 JAN

23 JAN

23 FEB

22 FEB

20 FEB

23 MAR

21 MAR

20 MAR

20 APR

18 APR

17 APR

18 MAY

16 MAY

15 MAY

15 JUN

13 JUN

12 JUN

13 JUL

11 JUL

10 JUL

10 AUG

08 AUG

07 AUG

07 SEP

05 SEP

04 SEP

05 OCT

03 OCT

02 OCT

02 NOV

31 OCT

30 OCT

30 NOV

28 NOV

27 NOV

28 DEC

26 DEC

25 DEC


1. Aeronautical information relative to the route originating at the Latvian aerodromes/heliports is available to flight operations personnel, including flight crews.

2. Pre-flight information is provided as self-briefing and/or verbal briefing.

Internet self-briefing is available on:

LGS automated pre-flight information system (Internet self-briefing - IBS) provides a harmonized, common point of access to aeronautical information and meteorological information for operators, flight crew members and other aeronautical personnel.

IBS provides integrated NOTAM, SNOWTAM and MET briefings (including Weather Charts and Narrow Route briefings), and incorporates facilities for filing of flight plans.

Users must be registered in order to fill in the flight plan.

Internet self-briefing allows users to:

1. Generate PIBs (AD, Area, Route, Narrow Route);

2. Store and retrieve PIBs (Briefing Handbook);

3. Create personal filters for PIBs;

4. Review the current AIP information of States in the European region. Access to international AIPs requires additional one-time registration.

PIBs are available in English for IFR and VFR flights.

On request the ARO Riga can prepare a PIB and send it to the e-mail address provided by the user.

Verbal briefing or consultation related to Latvian aeronautical information products is available by phone +371 67300675.

Verbal briefing is limited to the Latvian territory as well as those areas over the high seas for which the State is responsible for the provision of ATS.


Digital data sets are updated in accordance with the AIRAC system on the indicated AIRAC effective date or within the established regular interval (ref. AIC) if changes are not operationally significant.

A checklist of valid digital data sets is regularly provided and available on AIS of Latvia website .

Detailed information of provided digital data sets is available in the Data Product Specification.

1. AIP data set

AIP data set as specified in ICAO Doc 10066, Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aeronautical Information Management (PANS-AIM), along with the AIP and the following subsections of the AIP prefixed with "[AIP-DS]" are provided in a form of AIP data set and the reference is provided to the available AIP data set:

• GEN 2.5 List of radio navigation aids;

• ENR 2.1 FIR, UIR, TMA and CTA;

• ENR 3.2 Area navigation routes;

• ENR 3.4 En-route holding;

• ENR 4.1 Radio navigation aids — en-route;

• ENR 4.4 Name-code designators for significant points;

• ENR 5.1 Prohibited, restricted and danger areas;

• ENR 5.2 Military exercise and training areas and air defence identification zone (ADIZ);

• ENR 5.5 Aerial sporting and recreational activities;

• AD 2.17 Air traffic services airspace;

• AD 2.19 Radio navigation and landing aids;

• AD 3.16 Air traffic services airspace.

The AIP data set contains the digital representation of aeronautical information of lasting character, including permanent information and long-duration temporary changes (relevant AIP Amendments and AIP Supplements).

Data subjects included in AIP data set:

  • ATS airspace;
  • Special activity airspace;
  • Route;
  • Route segment;
  • Waypoint – en-route;
  • Aerodrome/heliport;
  • Runway;
  • Runway direction;
  • Final approach and take-off area (FATO);
  • Touchdown and lift-off area (TLOF);
  • Radio navigation aid.

Geographical scope - EVRR - RIGA FIR including the delegated area of VILNIUS FIR.

2. Obstacle and terrain data sets

Obstacle data sets are provided in AIXM 5.1 format and terrain data sets are provided in GeoTIFF format, for the following:

• Area1;

• Area 2 for AD Riga (EVRA);

• Area 2 for AD Liepaja (EVLA);

• Area 2 for AD Lielvarde (MIL) (EVGA);

• Area 2 for AD Ventspils (EVVA);

• Area 3 for AD Liepaja (EVLA);

• Area 3 for AD Riga (EVRA);

• Area 4 for AD Riga (EVRA);

The Content of obstacle data sets and geographical scope:

Area 1:

Data subjects included:

- ObstacleArea;

- OrganisationAuthority;

- VerticalStructure.

Geographical scope - EVRR - RIGA FIR.

Area 2:

Data subjects included:

- AirportHeliport;

- ObstacleArea;

- OrganisationAuthority;

- Runway;

- Runway direction;

- VerticalStructure.

Geographical scope - corresponding area surfaces included in the data set.

Area 3:

Data subjects included:

- AirportHeliport;

- ObstacleArea;

- OrganisationAuthority;

- VerticalStructure.

Geographical scope - corresponding area surfaces included in the data set.

Area 4:

Data subjects included:

- AirportHeliport;

- ObstacleArea;

- OrganisationAuthority;

- Runway;

- Runway direction;

- VerticalStructure.

Geographical scope - corresponding area surfaces included in the data set.

3. Digital data sets may be obtained from:

AIP data set, obstacle and terrain data sets are available in the “Data distribution” section of the AIS of Latvia website

To obtain the access to the digital data sets, it is necessary to be a registered user of the AIS website and send a request to (providing the AIS website username).

CRC checksum is provided for every downloadable file so the integrity of the downloaded file can be checked manually applying the user's tool or the tool provided by the AIS of Latvia (

Aeronautical Information Service

SJSC “Latvijas gaisa satiksme”

Post: Muzeju iela 3, Lidosta “Rīga”

Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes novads, LV - 1053


Tel: +371 67300664

Fax: +371 67300660



Hours of service: MON, TUE, WED, THU - 0630-1500 (0530-1400), FRI - 0630-1400 (0530-1300) (except HOL).

Aerodrome mapping data sets and Flight procedure data sets are not available.

SJSC “Latvijas gaisa satiksme” reserve the right to change the conditions of the electronic obstacle data distribution policy.