Note: The following sections in this chapter are intentionally left blank: AD 3.4, AD 3.5, AD 3.11, AD 3.17, AD 3.18, AD 3.20, AD 3.21, AD 3.22.
1 | Heliport reference point coordinates and site at heliport |
563116N 0274139E Geometric centre of TLOF-1 |
2 | Direction and distance from city | 1.4 NM SW of Ludza |
3 | Elevation/Reference temperature/Mean low temperature | 509 FT / 22 ºC / NIL |
4 | Geoid undulation at AD ELEV PSN | NIL |
5 | MAG VAR/Annual Change | 10º E (2022) / 0.17º increasing |
6 | Heliport operator, address, telephone, telefax, telex, AFS |
Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board Post:
„Lidlauks”, Runtorta, Isnaudas pagasts, Ludzas novads, LV-5701, Latvija Phone: +371 67209726, +371 67209729, +371 67209730, +371 29337238 Fax: NIL Email: AFS: NIL URL: NIL |
7 | Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR) | VFR by day/night |
8 | Remarks | NIL |
1 | Heliport |
24 HR PPR before flight. Requests submitted to |
Heliport operator |
MON-FRI: 0600-1430 (0500-1330) | |
2 | Customs and immigration | NIL |
3 | Health and sanitation | NIL |
4 | AIS Briefing Office | NIL |
5 | ATS Reporting Office (ARO) | NIL |
6 | MET Briefing Office | NIL |
7 | ATS | NIL |
8 | Fuelling | NIL |
9 | Handling | NIL |
10 | Security | NIL |
11 | De-icing | NIL |
12 | Remarks | Latvian State Border Guard Heliport (non-public). See the standard information required to obtain the permission in EVLU AD 3.19. |
1 | Heliport category for fire fighting | NIL |
2 | Rescue equipment | 2 X 10 KG CO2, 1 X 43 KG powder, fire fighting cabinet, 6 water hoses, 2 X 110 m³ water ponds AVBL. |
3 | Capability for removal of disabled aircraft | Crane 25 T AVBL on request. |
4 | Remarks | Fire brigade from Ludza AVBL. |
1 | Types of clearing equipment | 2 snow ploughs, 2 reagent spreaders, lawn mower |
2 | Clearance priorities | 1. TLOF-1 and TLOF-2; 2. FATO and safety area; 3. TWY. |
3 | Remarks | Solid and liquid deicer for ASPH surface AVBL. |
1 | Surface and strength of aprons and helicopter stands | STAND Surface: ASPH Strength: 13 T |
2 | Designation, width and surface type of helicopter ground taxiways | 10 M, ASPH |
3 | Width and designation of helicopter air taxiway and air transit route | 10 M |
4 | Altimeter checkpoint location and elevation | NIL |
5 | Location of VOR checkpoints | NIL |
6 | Position of INS checkpoints | NIL |
7 | Remarks | 1 helicopter stand, circle diameter 16 M, turning in hovering, non-taxi-through. |
1 | Final approach and take-off markings | White „H”, White circle (TLOF-1, TLOF-2). |
2 | Taxiway markings Air taxiway markers | Yellow CL NIL |
3 | Remarks | Yellow stand perimeter marking with stop/shoulder line. Touchdown / Positioning Marking (in TLOF-2 center zone). Snow markers (7 pcs) in the corners of TLOF-1 and near LED surface floodlights. |
Substantial obstacles are depicted visually on the Heliport chart and Visual approach chart (see EVLU AD 3.23.1 and EVLU 3.23.8).
1 | Heliport type | Surface level |
2 | TLOF dimensions | Circle diameter 17 M (TLOF-1), Circle diameter 14 M (TLOF-2) |
3 | FATO True bearings | 102.25º 282.25º |
4 | FATO dimensions and SFC type | 35 M x 35 M, ASPH |
5 | TLOF SFC and BRG strength | ASPH, 13 T (TLOF-1) ASPH, 13 T (TLOF-2) |
6 | Coordinates of geometric centre TLOF or THR of FATO and geoid undulation | 563116.07N 0274138.68E (TLOF-1) / NIL 563120.33N 0274140.05E (TLOF-2) / NIL |
7 | TLOF/FATO elevation and slope | 509 FT, NIL (TLOF-1) 505 FT, NIL (TLOF-2) 509 FT, NIL (FATO) |
8 | Safety area dimensions | 43 M x 43 M |
9 | HEL CWY dimensions | NIL |
10 | Obstacle-free sector | NIL |
11 | Remarks | Windsock located 44 M NE of TLOF-1 centre. MTOW limitation: A maximum of 5700 kg is allowed. |
TODAH (m) |
RTODAH (m) |
LDAH (m) |
Remarks |
35 |
35 |
35 |
1 | Approach lighting system type, length and intensity | NIL |
2 | Type of visual approach slope indicator system | NIL |
3 | Characteristics and location of FATO area lights | Steady omnidirectional white lights along FATO edge at 12 M intervals. |
4 | Characteristics and location of aiming point lights | NIL |
5 | Characteristics and location of TLOF lighting system | Steady directional halogen floodlights along FATO N and S edges at 12 M intervals. Switching-on: all floodlights or floodlights in FATO corners or floodlights between FATO corners. |
6 | Remarks | Lighting provided on request (radio controlled for Latvian Border Guard helicopters). |
1 | Heliport BCN location and characteristics Hours of operation | NIL |
2 | WDI Location and LGT | 44 M NE of TLOF-1 centre, halogen floodlights |
3 | TWY edge and centre line lighting | Steady omnidirectional blue lights along TWY edge at 27M interval. |
4 | Secondary power supply/switch-over time | 120 kW diesel-electric generator/ 3 min |
5 | Remarks | NIL |
1 | Designation and lateral limits | LUDZA ASOP ATZ Lateral limits are available in the AIP Data set, feature ID: ac89b50b-4a49-4541-acb6-85cc051c34fd Standardised presentation of the airspace lateral limits: A circle radius 4 NM centered on 563116N 0274139E |
2 | Vertical limits | 2000 FT MSL / GND |
3 | Airspace classification | G |
4 | ATS unit call sign Language(s) | NIL NIL |
5 | Transition altitude | NIL |
6 | Hours of applicability | H24 |
7 | Remarks | Refer to EVLU AD 3.19 for ATZ procedures. |
1. General
Ground taxiing is available for helicopters equipped with landing gears. Air taxiing is available for helicopters equipped with skids or helicopters equipped with landing gears, if ground taxiing is not allowed. TLOF-2 shall be used for air taxiing operations. Marshaller signals shall be followed during day and night flights (for non-Latvian State Border Guard helicopters subject to prior coordination).
The helicopter stand and TLOF-2 are co-located.
LUDZA ASOP ATZ is intended to be used by Latvian State Border Guard helicopter and unmanned aircraft flights during day and night. Other airspace users within LUDZA ASOP ATZ shall obtain a permission to fly at least 24 hours before the intended flight, or less in reasonable circumstances, from the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board.
Medical, SAR, military, environmental protection, fire fighting and other emergency response flights shall be coordinated with the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board as soon as practicable. See EVLU AD 3.3 for contacts.
The standard information required to obtain the permission is:
Additionally, in the case of landing at LUDZA ASOP (EVLU):
For VFR flights within LUDZA ASOP ATZ airspace frequency 123.950 MHz shall be used as the common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) by the pilots for self-announcing their positions and intentions in the blind or for air-air communications in order to exchange information.
A pilot should continuously monitor air-air communication on frequency 123.950 MHz at least 10 minutes before arrival at LUDZA ASOP ATZ or its crossing in order to receive information about the air traffic activity situation and should transmit in the blind the following information:
A. Inbound traffic:
1. location of the aircraft, altitude and further intentions - 3 minutes before entering LUDZA ASOP ATZ;
2. heading to be used for landing;
3. entering traffic pattern and altitude (crosswind, downwind, base leg and final);
B. Outbound traffic:
1. intention for departure;
2. heading to be used for take-off;
3. intended flight direction and altitude or intention to circle.
2. Unmanned aircraft flights in LUDZA ASOP ATZ
Permission for flights of unmanned aircraft, including those with a maximum take-off mass of less than 250 g or classified as toys in accordance with the regulatory enactments on toy safety, within LUDZA ASOP ATZ shall be obtained from the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board at least 24 HR before the intended flight day (see EVLU AD 3.2 for contact information).
Unmanned aircraft flights in LUDZA ASOP ATZ are allowed in the open category and the specific category (flights may be conducted in direct vision (VLOS) at altitudes up to 120 m from the ground or water surface, as well as Latvian State Border Guard unmanned aircraft with a maximum take-off mass (MTOM) not exceeding 40 kg can perform flights beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) at altitudes up to 2000 FT (with internal vertical buffer 1000 FT from the top edge of the zone) from the ground or water surface), and they are coordinated with a representative of LUDZA ASOP ATZ (Flight and Operational Management Centre of the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board). In case of performing the flight beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), the LUDZA ASOP ATZ area will be closed to other air traffic, by publishing a NOTAM in accordance with the current regulations for unmanned aircraft flights of the European Union and the Republic of Latvia.
The documents to be submitted at least 32 HR before the intended day of flight(s) to the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board (see EVLU AD 3.2 for contact information) for unmanned aircraft flights in LUDZA ASOP ATZ:
a. application with information about:
- the maximum take-off mass of the unmanned aircraft is equal to or greater than 250 g;
- an unmanned aircraft is equipped with a sensor capable of reading personal data (for example, a photo/video camera);
- flights are performed within a specific category.
b. a copy of the insurance policy (the operator of an unmanned aircraft system or the owner of an unmanned aircraft insures its general civil liability against losses that an unmanned aircraft could cause to third-party health, life, or property, as well as the environment, in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding compulsory civil liability insurance for unmanned aircraft flights). The existence of an insurance policy does not apply to flights with unmanned aircraft that have a maximum take-off mass of less than 250 g or are considered toys in accordance with the regulatory enactments on toy safety;
c. in the case of an unmanned aircraft flight(s) being planned over and in the vicinity of the objects of national and public interest, the approval of the owner, possessor, or user of the respective object is required (see for contacts), in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia, which regulate the flights of unmanned aircraft.
Deconfliction measures for unmanned aircraft flights in LUDZA ASOP ATZ:
Flight and Operational Management Centre contact information: +371 67209726, +371 67209729, +371 67209730, +371 29337238; email:
3. Flights in the restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST
The restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST is intended to be used for the manned aviation aircraft flights and unmanned aircraft flights of the State Border Guard.
Permission for aircraft flights not involved in coordinated and authorized use of the area shall be obtained at least 24 hours, or less in case of a justified exception, before the planned flight from the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board (see EVLU AD 3.2 for contact details).
The standard information required to obtain the permission is:
• aircraft organisation or owner;
• contact information, additional contact details;
• aircraft type and call sign;
• date and time period of flight(s) within the restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST;
• departure and arrival aerodrome or place;
• intentions of flight(s) within the restricted area;
• other related information (including flight height).
No specified entry/exit point needed.
For each take-off/landing, entering/departure, emergency situation or unintended entering in the EVR17A BORDER EAST area, the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board must be informed on the common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) 123.950 MHz.
During the flight, CTAF 123.950 MHz shall be used every 30 minutes for self-announcing the position, flight direction, flight altitude, intentions in the blind, or for air-to-air communications in order to exchange information, as well as to monitor FREQ 123.100 MHz (the aviation search and rescue (SAR) coordination channel) for flight safety purposes.
Unmanned aircraft flights in the restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST
In the restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST the flights of State Border Guard unmanned aircraft, Latvian National Armed Forces unmanned aircraft, as well as civil unmanned aircraft are permitted.
The flights of unmanned aircraft of the State Border Guard and the Latvian National Armed Forces are allowed in the specific and open categories. In the specific category, flights may be conducted in direct vision (VLOS) and beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS). All flights must be coordinated with a representative of EVR17A BORDER EAST (Flight and Operational Management Centre). Flight and Operational Management Centre contact information: +371 67209726, +371 67209729, +371 67209730, +371 29337238; email:
Aircraft flights that are not involved in coordinated and authorized use of the area are allowed at altitudes up to 120 m from the ground or water surface, in compliance with the applicable regulations of unmanned aircraft flights of the European Union and the Republic of Latvia, provided that they are coordinated with a representative of EVR17A BORDER EAST (Flight and Operational Management Centre).
Permission for unmanned aircraft not involved in coordinated and authorized use of the area, including those with a maximum take-off mass of less than 250 g or classified as toys in accordance with the regulatory enactments on toy safety, to fly in the restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST shall be obtained from the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board at least 24 HR before the intended flight day, or less in case of a justified exception, (see EVLU AD 3.2 for contact information).
The following documents for unmanned aircraft flights, not involved in coordinated and authorized use of the area, to fly in the restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST must be submitted at least 32 HR prior to the intended day of flight(s), or less in case of a justified exception, to the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board (see EVLU AD 3.2 for contact information) :
a. application with the information about:
- the maximum take-off mass of the unmanned aircraft is equal to or greater than 250 g;
- an unmanned aircraft is equipped with a sensor capable of reading personal data (for example, a photo/video camera);
- flights are performed within a specific category.
b. a copy of the insurance policy (the operator of an unmanned aircraft system or the owner of an unmanned aircraft must insure their general civil liability against losses that an unmanned aircraft could cause to the third-party health, life or property, as well as the environment, in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding compulsory civil liability insurance for unmanned aircraft flights). The existence of an insurance policy does not apply to flights with unmanned aircraft that have a maximum take-off mass of less than 250 g or are considered toys in accordance with the regulatory enactments on toy safety;
c. in the case of an unmanned aircraft flight(s) being planned over and in the vicinity of the objects of national and public interest, the approval of the owner, possessor or user of the respective object is required (see for contact information), in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia, which regulate the flights of unmanned aircraft.
Deconfliction measures for unmanned aircraft flights within the restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST:
• in the restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST it is allowed to carry out flights of both State Border Guard and/or Latvian National Armed Forces unmanned aircraft, State Border Guard and/or Latvian National Armed Forces piloted aviation aircraft, and civil unmanned aircraft flights at the same time, provided that priority is given to manned aviation aircraft;
• the remote control pilot of the unmanned aircraft or, if the flight is fully autonomous, the operator of the unmanned aircraft system shall inform by telephone the Flight and Operational Management Centre of the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board regarding the take-off / landing of the unmanned aircraft of each flight;
• if during the State Border Guard and/or Latvian National Armed Forces unmanned aircraft flight in the restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST there is an urgent need to carry out flight(s) of manned aviation aircraft (aircraft of the Latvian State Border Guard, Latvian National Armed Forces or other aircraft in emergency situations) in the area of the State Border Guard or Latvian National Armed Forces unmanned aircraft flight, the Flight and Operational Management Centre of the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board immediately contacts the remote control pilot of the unmanned aircraft or, if the flight is fully autonomous, the operator of the unmanned aircraft system and gives the order to stop the flight immediately or not to perform the flight within the required period. During the flight, the remote control pilot of the unmanned aircraft or, if the flight is fully autonomous, the operator of the unmanned aircraft system must be reachable by telephone;
• if during a civil unmanned aircraft flight in the restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST there is an urgent need to carry out flight(s) of manned aviation aircraft (aircraft of the State Border Guard, Latvian National Armed Forces or other aircraft in emergency situations) or umnanned aircraft (State Border Guard or Latvian National Armed Forces unmanned aircraft) flights, the Flight and Operational Management Centre of the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board immediately contacts the remote control pilot of the unmanned aircraft or, if the flight is fully autonomous, the operator of the unmanned aircraft system and gives the order to stop the flight immediately or not to perform the flight within the required period. During the flight, the remote control pilot of the unmanned aircraft or, if the flight is fully autonomous, the operator of the unmanned aircraft system must be reachable by telephone.
4. Flights in the restricted area EVR17B BORDER EAST
The restricted area EVR17B BORDER EAST is intended to be used for the manned aviation aircraft flights and unmanned aircraft flights of the State Border Guard.
Permission for aircraft flights not involved in coordinated and authorized use of the area shall be obtained at least 24 hours, or less in case of a justified exception, before the intended flight from the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board (see EVLU AD 3.2 for contact details).
The standard information required to obtain the permission is:
• aircraft organisation or owner;
• contact information, additional contact details;
• aircraft type and call sign;
• date and time period of flight(s) within the restricted area EVR17B BORDER EAST;
• departure and arrival aerodrome or place;
• intentions of flight(s) within the restricted area;
• other related information (including flight height).
No specified entry/exit point needed.
General Air Traffic flight operations within the EVR17B BORDER EAST area are permitted in accordance with the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 of 26 September 2012 laying down the common rules of the air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1035/2011 and Regulations (EC) No 1265/2007, (EC) No 1794/2006, (EC) No 730/2006, (EC) No 1033/2006 and (EU) No 255/2010, requirements.
For each take-off/landing, entering/departure, emergency situation or unintended entering in the EVR17B BORDER EAST area, the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board must be informed on the common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) 123.950 MHz.
During the flight, CTAF 123.950 MHz shall be used every 30 minutes for self-announcing the position, flight direction, flight altitude, intentions in the blind or for air-to-air communications in order to exchange information, as well as to monitor the 123.100 MHz (the aviation search and rescue (SAR) coordination channel) frequency for flight safety purposes.
Unmanned aircraft flights in the restricted area EVR17B BORDER EAST
In the restricted area EVR17B BORDER EAST only the flights of unmanned aircraft of the State Border Guard and the Latvian National Armed Forces are allowed.
Permission for unmanned aircraft flights of the Latvian National Armed Forces shall be obtained at least 24 HR prior to the intended day of flight(s), or less in case of a justified exception, from the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board (see EVLU AD 3.2 for contact information). The documents must be submitted at least 32 HR prior to the intended day of flight(s), or less in case of a justified exception, to the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board for unmanned aircraft flights of the Latvian National Armed Forces in the restricted area EVR17B BORDER EAST, see EVLU AD 3.19 (3. Flights in the restricted area EVR17A BORDER EAST).
The flights of unmanned aircraft of the State Border Guard and the Latvian National Armed Forces in the restricted area EVR17B BORDER EAST are allowed in the specific category (flights may be conducted beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) at altitudes up to 3500 FT MSL, and they are coordinated with a representative of EVR17B BORDER EAST (Flight and Operational Management Centre). Flight and Operational Management Centre ensures deconfliction measures for unmanned aircraft flights in the EVR17B BORDER EAST area. Flight and Operational Management Centre contact information: +371 67209726, +371 67209729, +371 67209730, +371 29337238; email:
5. Flights in the restricted area EVR17C BORDER EAST
The restricted area EVR17C BORDER EAST is intended to be used only for General Air Traffic flights.
The permission for General Air Traffic flights shall be obtained at least 24 HR, or less in case of a justified exception, before the intended flight from the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board (see EVLU AD 3.2 for contact information).
The standard information required to obtain the permission is:
• aircraft organisation or owner;
• contact information, additional contact details;
• aircraft type and call sign;
• date and time period of flight(s) within the restricted area EVR17C BORDER EAST;
• departure and arrival aerodrome or place;
• intentions of flight(s) within the restricted area;
• other related information (including flight height).
No specified entry/exit point needed.
Flight operations within the EVR17C BORDER EAST area are permitted in accordance with the provisions of the points "SERA.5005 Rules for visual flights" and "SERA.5025 IFR-Rules applicable to IFR flights outside the controlled airspace" of the Annex to the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 of 26 September 2012 laying down the common rules of the air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1035/2011 and Regulations (EC) No 1265/2007, (EC) No 1794/2006, (EC) No 730/2006, (EC) No 1033/2006 and (EU) No 255/2010, for performing flights in the "G" class airspace.
For each take-off/landing, entering/departure, emergency situation or unintended entering in the EVR17C BORDER EAST area, the Latvian State Border Guard Aviation and Special Operations Board must be informed on the common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) 123.950 MHz.
During the flight, CTAF 123.950 MHz shall be used every 30 minutes for self-announcing the position, flight direction, flight altitude, intentions in the blind or for air-to-air communications in order to exchange information, as well as to monitor FREQ 123.100 MHz (the aviation search and rescue (SAR) coordination channel) for flight safety purposes.
1. Heliport Chart — ICAO
2. Area Chart — ICAO (departure and transit routes) - NIL
3. Standard Departure Chart — Instrument — ICAO - NIL
4. Area Chart — ICAO (arrival and transit routes) - NIL
5. Standard Arrival Chart — Instrument — ICAO - NIL
6. ATC Surveillance Minimum Altitude Chart — ICAO - NIL
7. Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO - NIL
8. Visual Approach Chart — ICAO
9. Bird concentrations in the vicinity of heliport - NIL